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What a great roda!

What a cracking roda yesterday!

It might have been cold and windy outside, but the energy inside the Castle was buzzing. Once again it was a pleasure for Capoeira Bemvindo to welcome the capoeira community from London and beyond to vadiar together. Great games, great music, challenging each other but always with connection and mutual respect - just how we like it to be.

We want to thank everyone who came: Mestre Joãozinho da Figuoera, Mestre Simon Fanstama, Contra-Mestre Boneco, Contra-Mestre Carrapeta, Contra-Mestre Jamaicano, Treinel Anastasia, Treinel Charli Piu-Piu, Treinel Joe Olho Vermelho; and of course all the capoeiristas who came from London, Brighton, Bristol, Oxford and beyond. Thanks for your support, we look forward to seeing you at your rodas, and at the next Agua de Beber - Sunday 17th March, 4.30pm, at the Castle.

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