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We are a capoeira angola group based in London.  Capoeira Bemvindo was founded in early 2012.  'Bem-Vindo' means 'welcome' in Portuguese.  Our ideal is to keep to door open to anyone who wants to learn, share or celebrate the art of capoeira. Our aim for each class is to come together, learn, and maintain the art and history of capoeria, while most importantly having fun during our journey.


The group's leader


Capoeira Bemvindo is led by Paulinha de Sousa. Paulinha was born in Fortaleza, NE Brazil and started capoeira when she was 6, tagging along with her four older siblings. Her sisters formed "Amazonas Capoeira" in London in the early 1990s, and Paulinha joined them in 2005.


In 2012, Paulinha established her own group, "Capoeira Bemvindo Angola." 'Bemvindo' is Portuguese for 'Welcome' and the group is inclusive and diverse. Paulinha's vision is to use the art of capoeira to create spaces for community, debate and social justice. 


Paulinha is an influential capoeira leader; she is regularly invited to attend capoeira, cultural and political events to perform and speak on issues of democracy, race and equality.


Capoeira Bemvindo holds weekly classes for beginners and mixed level adults, and children's classes in schools and extra-curricular; Paulinha is also available for children's parties. The group hosts a monthly roda, where all capoeiristas are welcome to participate, regardless of style or length of experience.


Capoeira Meeting in Berlin June 2019!! Hosted by Group Angoleiros do Sertao

Capoeira Angola Workshops Delivered By Paulinha. 

Capoeira Bemvindo Angola events with Special guests.

© 2013 by Capoeira Bem Vindo. All rights reserved


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